Sunday, 27 December 2009

christmas cake and other things

I forgot to post my second ever attempt at icing a cake. Silver balls, green tree with edible glitter and handmade snowflakes with pearl lustre.
I also 'found' a jumper i started knitting and tehn got pregnant, so now it will have to be for the youngest boy as it won't fit the intended recipient!
I have started knitting a lace shawl for myself in artesano alpaca starling colourway, in the pattern on the picture. I can't stretch the work in progress to show the pattern and take the picture, so photo'd the pattern instead.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

and more

and more

and more

here's more

christmas cards

even more christmas cards!

silk garden bag

quick opinion poll on the colour please-yes or no?

Monday, 2 November 2009


i've been busy with half term, but her'e our lantern for the annual pumpkin festival at the town hall. Oh and a few more cards and the progress on the lavender and lace 'oh christmas tree'

Sunday, 25 October 2009

christmas cards

STarted making the christmas cards and tags and sewing the lavender and lace 'oh christmas tree' i've wanted to do for the past 4 can't really see the detail from these pictures, but the one that looks like a tree and a rosette are actually teabag folded and have gems on them too.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

finally framed!

I did these about 4 years ago but have only just dug them out and framed them after buying a tool for bevelling mountboard. The man i used to go to for framing who was fantastic, sold his business and was only doing framing via leads from the new owner, who had turned it into a photo on canvas place. Unfortunately the new owner was also adding a premium onto the cost of framing when he was working out the charge, so a frame that had previously been £25 including double mountboard and wadding/mounting the stitching was £55, which i paid for my last project as had sitched for daughter and promised to get it framed for hwer room, but there is no way i could keep paying that sort of price, so, I am now trying my hand at framing them myself.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

mermaids of the deep blue

well, this is finally starting to take shape, only the tails, backstitch outlining and details and a gazillion beads to go!

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

the jane tomlinson run for all 2009

ran the jane tomlinson run for all 21st june. first ever organised run.

Sunday, 7 June 2009


One of the cats decided he wanted to get in on the act. He is a Tonkinese I got from a rescue centre just over 2 years ago, called Kalin. The center said his owners didn't have time for him but I suspect it was more to do with the fact that he has an incurable bowel condition.

daughters wristwarmers

Now done this one for daughter and half way through second wristwarmer. The pattern is spirogyra from ravelry, which is based on cookie a's pomatomus sock pattern.


been busy again. The rainbow wristwarmers are made from zauberball tropical fish colour way.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

butterfly bag

I was up til midnight last night finishing and lining this.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

cross stitching

added a few of the cross stitch projects completed and framed. Have another work in progress lying around waiting to be picked back up.

long time no see!

been quite busy. a few more projects completed.